The Organ:
all you might need to know.

The Organ
5/03/1887 – first choir formed to assist the precentor.
8/12/1859 – Introduction of the new Congregational Hymnbook
14/12/1861 – Pipe organ first inaugurated. Built by Connacher of Huddersfield at a cost of £185, initially located at the back of the gallery. There was initially a great deal of opposition to the organ from within and outwith the church. An arrangement of united services had to be abandoned due to other churches’ views of the ‘kist o’whistles’
24/03/1869 Hydraulic bellows installed ( hand pumped prior to this)
18/11/1880 Organ extended and transferred to the pulpit gallery. re-inaugurated by Dr Pearce, organist at Glasgow Cathedral, and composer of the hymn tune St Margaret
Summer 1897 – further £300 spent on improving the instrument.
January 1908 Bequest from Mrs Jarvie used as the basis for an organ fund, which grew to £550 in 2 years. A grant of £250 from the Carnegie Trust was added to this.
17/9/1911 Organ reconstructed. Work carried out by Norman and Beard.
1/10/1919 Organ reaches present-day specification
Jan 1993 Electrification of the pedal action.
Gemshorn 4′, Mixture 3rks. Hautboy 8′ Voix Celeste 8′ Std Diapason 8′ Open Diapason 8′ Double Diapason 16′
Fifteenth 2′. Wald Flute 4′ Principal 4′ Dulciana 8′ Open Diapason 8′ Open(?) Diapason 8′. Claribel flute 8′ Double open diapason 16′
Bass flute 8′ Bourdon 16′, Open Diapason 16′ Harmonic Bass 32′.
Sw Octave, Sw Sub Octave. Sw Octave to Great. Sw Sub Octave to Great, Sw to Great
Sw to Pedal, Great to Pedal.
Source Ref: Organ tuning records ‘George Square Congregational Church A History’ Wm M Brownlie MA PhD.