As a local church, we offer special services to mark the stages of life. We are happy to discuss the details of all of these: the best way is to come along on Sunday for a chat, or use contact form.
As of July, we will be without a regular minister, so please come to church and ask the elders what arrangements can be made
We are a community: built on hospitality and commitment, both to each other and to the world and the people God loves. So we are not offering a product, but sharing the experience of God's love. We go to great lengths to get things right, but all these things are part of the life of the congregation, and therefore subject to practicalities and limits, as well as the integrity with which they are offered.

Baptism is joining the Church, both here and around the world. Some preparation is always required, so that you can make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime experience, which can take place at any age.
A Baptism would normally take place at least three months after first contact with the church, to give everyone time to prepare and grasp the significance of the promises that are part of this sacrament, in obedience to Christ.

Ministers are legally authorised celebrants in Scotland, whether the ceremony takes place in the church building or anywhere else. Again, some preparation will be required to help your wedding be the best beginning of your new life together.
The URC believes in marriage as a fully equal partnership, which is of benefit to the couple and to the wider society.

We conduct funerals both for the general public and for those connected with the church. We work closely with the bereaved family and funeral directors, looking for the ways in which God has been at work in the life for which we are giving thanks. In a Christian funeral, we seek to tell the truth in love.